The Bucegi National Park comprises a surface area of 32.663 ha covering most of the Bucegi Mountains. These mountains are situated in the central part of the Carpathians between 25°20′ and 25°30′ longitude E and 45°27′ and 45°35′ latitude N. The importance of the site for the conservation of the habitat types targeted is given by eg.: sixty percent of the national park’s surface area (19.633 ha) is covered in forests. Till 1970 in the Bucegi National Park where described 41 types of forestry stations and 64 types of natural forests, representing 19% respectively 21% of whole Romania. Of the 50 types of forestry formations existing in Romania, 12 (24%) exist in the Bucegi National Park. The area includes a concentration of 1245 types of spermatophytic plants. Given the average density of plant species at the national, that of the Bucegi region is approximately 250 times larger. In contrast to equivalent biogeographic regions, this density is extremely rare and justifies the importance and major scientific interest given to Bucegi. Here the endemic elementto the Carpathiansmakes 6 % of the national park’s flora and represents 91 of the total number of species generally endemic to the Carpathians.
The project targets 19 different habitates localised in various areas of the national park.
The main objective of the project is the establishing of co-ordinated nature protection of specific areas of the Bucegi National Parc (BNP). Other objectives of the project are to control and maintain access to the BNP and to restore and enhance the ecological balance of selected sites within the BNP.
The project includes a set of direct nature conserving and protecting actions and also several indirect actions like:
- Reconstruct habitats which have been damaged by tourism or mountain agriculture and ensure their future maintance.
- Establish an administrative framework and put in place staff to monitor activities in the BNP.
- Design a management plan for the BNP and submit it to appropriate bodies for review and further development.
- Create and widly disseminate informations about the habitats of the BNP and the importance of preserving its natural environment.
- Develop and distribute publicity materials.
- Design and build a Website.
- Review scope of available data on the area and design database.
- Organise seminar programms for locals, users and experts to encourage and support the activities of the staff and the adminstrative framework.
- Create and form a Ranger crew
The results of the project will be to re-establish and maintain 19 endangered habitats, to raise local, users and public awarness of the importance of developing and maintaining National parks and the Bucegi National Park in particular. The functionning ranger crew will observe human activities in the BNP and report them to local authorities if these do not correspond to the law.
Further it will be established a data base which will form the basis of a proposal to establish a more detailed management plan. Publicity materials will be designed and produced.